
Strawberry Brownie Caramel Trifle

My friend, Kathi, came to dinner recently and brought this delicious dessert. I think I have made it at least once a week since then. But I made up my own version using fat-free cool whip and fat-free, sugar-free instant cheesecake pudding.  I also use skim milk with the pudding; I tried almond milk but that doesn’t work–trust me!


Strawberry Brownie Caramel Trifle


  • 16 ozs fat-free cool whip
  • 3 one-ounce boxes fat-free sugar-free instant cheesecake pudding
  • 5 cups skim milk
  • 1 box Duncan Hines Salted Caramel Brownie Mix prepare cake-like save caramel for later
  • 2 pounds strawberries sliced, leave some whole for top


  • Prepare brownies (cake-like version) as directed on box without caramel and let cool (save caramel for top of dessert)
  • Prepare cheesecake instant pudding as directed on box (I use 5 cups of skim milk instead of 6)
  • After pudding has set, fold in whipped cream.
  • Layer brownies (either crumbled or cut in squares--I prefer them cut in squares), layer of sliced strawberries, layer of pudding/whipped cream mixture and then layer again. (Kathi does three layers of each--I do two layers of each)
  • Garnish top with whole strawberries and then caramel sauce.

I didn’t have a trifle bowl, so I bought one at Wal-Mart for $6.97. Or you can buy the Pampered Chef Trifle Bowl for $41 like my friend, Kathi, has.

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