Godaddy Blacklists WordPress Plugins

blacklist (the dictionary project)Thought I would share a list of WordPress Plugins that Godaddy says causes problems on their new WordPress hosting.  Godaddy states that the following plugins cause severe issues with either security or performance on Godaddy servers.

Blacklisted Plugins

  • adminer
  • hello.php
  • async-google-analytics
  • backupwordpress
  • backwpup
  • broken-link-checker
  • contextual-related-posts
  • dynamic-related-posts
  • ezpz-one-click-backup
  • file-commander
  • fuzzy-seo-booster
  • google-sitemap-generator
  • google-xml-sitemaps-with-multisite-support
  • hcs.php
  • hello
  • hello-dolly
  • jr-referrer
  • missed-schedule
  • no-revisions
  • ozh-who-sees-ads
  • pippity
  • portable-phpmyadmin
  • quick-cache
  • seo-alrp
  • similar-posts
  • superslider
  • text-passwords
  • the-codetree-backup
  • toolspack
  • tweet-blender
  • w3-total-cache
  • wordpress-gzip-compression
  • wp-cache
  • wp-database-optimizer
  • wp-db-backup
  • wp-dbmanager
  • wp-engine-snapshot
  • wp-file-cache
  • wp-mailinglist
  • wp-missed-schedule
  • wp-phpmyadmin
  • wp-postviews
  • wp-slimstat
  • wp-super-cache
  • wponlinebackup
  • yet-another-featured-posts-plugin
  • yet-another-related-posts-plugin

Godaddy Link

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One Comment

  1. I’ve seen problems with a lot of those but there are some surprising ones on there too. A lot of people use w3-total-cache but I personally don’t like it because it usually finds a way to make things worse. broken-link-checker will crash a server, just don’t ever use it. All of those backup plugins listed hog a lot of server resources so I can see why they would be blacklisted but what backup plugin doesn’t use a lot of server resources on a heavy site? I prefer doing backups outside of wordpress but you need shell access for that.

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