Web Access:

URL: https://yourwebsite.com/webmail
Username: [email protected]
Password: emailed with your user/password.

Setting up in a mail client (i.e. Outlook):

Incoming IMAP/POP3 Hostname: emailed with your user/password.
Outgoing SMTP Hostname: emailed with your user/password.

Here are the ports:
IMAP: 143
POP3: 110
SMTP: 25

IMAP (SSL): 993
POP3 (SSL): 995
SMTP (SSL): 587

Server requires authentication? Yes.
Server requires a secure connection (SSL)? Yes or no depending on which ports you use.
Logon using clear text authentication? Yes.

Example setup on Thunderbird mail client:

Done, you should now be able to send/receive email 🙂