Value on the web is not just about prices, it’s about giving your customers a reason to come back to your website over and over. Grits Design is well-versed in creating custom websites that not only showcase your unique capabilities, but also make it easier for people to do business with you. We design with your customer in mind.

Grits Design can provide a quality web site design, development and functionality. We will work with you to achieve your goals and objectives and deliver a website that meets your expectations.

Grits Design will build a custom website using the Genesis Framework which is optimized for speed, state-of-the-art security and results. The Genesis Framework has the best security possible and follows all WordPress security best practices. Genesis comes with powerful SEO (search engine optimization) options. Genesis provides automatic updates so your website code is always up to date and fully optimized.


Most users will leave within seconds of landing on your homepage if it isn’t obvious where to find what they’re looking for. Your website must have simple, intuitive navigation and easy-to-find information. At Grits Design, our sole purpose is to make your site friendly and easy to use.

  • Custom Web Design
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Google Analytics
  • Website Verification
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Content Management
  • Website Maintenance
  • HTML Coding
  • PHP Coding